White Collar

SEC Chairman Discusses Regulatory Approach to Cryptocurrency: A Lucosky Brookman LLP Perspective

By: Lucosky Brookman
SEC Chairman Discusses Regulatory Approach to Cryptocurrency: A Lucosky Brookman LLP Perspective


The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently held its annual "SEC Speaks" event at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, D.C., a significant gathering for professionals in the securities industry. The event provides a platform for senior SEC officials to share updates on the Commission's current initiatives and future priorities. This year, Chairman Gary Gensler dedicated his entire speech to the regulation of cryptocurrency and related intermediaries. This article aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of Chairman Gensler's remarks and their implications for the crypto industry.

The SEC's Growing Focus on Cryptocurrency

Under Chairman Gensler's leadership, the SEC has increasingly turned its attention to the burgeoning cryptocurrency market. This shift aligns with the Commission's broader mandate to regulate securities, irrespective of the form they take or the terminology used to describe them.

Classification of Crypto Tokens as Securities

Chairman Gensler emphasized that, in his view, the overwhelming majority of cryptocurrency tokens qualify as securities. This stance is consistent with existing Supreme Court jurisprudence, which mandates that the SEC's regulatory purview extends to investments of all kinds, regardless of their nomenclature or structure. The Commission's approach is to evaluate the specific facts and circumstances surrounding an investment, rather than relying solely on labels or titles.

The Need for Investor Disclosures

The Chairman underscored the importance of transparency and disclosure for investors in the crypto space. Given the complex and often opaque nature of these investments, the SEC believes that investors are entitled to clear and comprehensive information to make informed decisions.

Regulatory Concerns Surrounding Stablecoins

Stablecoins, which are designed to maintain a stable value, have come under the SEC's scrutiny. Chairman Gensler indicated that the Commission would examine the various mechanisms employed by stablecoins to preserve their value. Specifically, the SEC will investigate whether stablecoins engage in revenue-sharing, utilize money market instruments, or possess other attributes that might necessitate registration under federal securities laws.

Crypto Intermediaries and Regulatory Risks

The Chairman also touched upon the role of intermediaries in the crypto ecosystem, whether decentralized or otherwise. These entities often operate in a manner akin to traditional securities exchanges and, in some cases, function similarly to broker-dealers. The SEC is currently evaluating whether such intermediaries should establish separate legal entities for different operational aspects, such as exchanges, custodial services, and broker-dealer activities.

Dual Registration with the SEC and CFTC

Chairman Gensler, who previously served as the Chair of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), noted that certain entities might require registration with both the SEC and the CFTC, depending on their range of activities.


The SEC's intensified focus on cryptocurrency regulation under Chairman Gensler's leadership signifies a pivotal moment for the industry. Market participants, including issuers, intermediaries, and investors, should closely monitor these developments and consider their potential impact on their operations and compliance obligations.

For any questions or concerns related to cryptocurrency regulation or enforcement, please feel free to contact Lucosky Brookman LLP.