Firm News

The Latest News from Lucosky Brookman

Lucosky Brookman is a leader in the representation of small and micro-cap companies. The Firm has led it clients through numerous capital raise transaction and over a dozen uplisting and initial public offering transactions.  Access the latest news about Lucosky Brookman, our clients’ business transactions and industry updates here. 

Lucosky Brookman Wins SmartCEO Magazine's 2016 Corporate Culture Award

The Firm is proud to announce that SmartCEO Magazine has named Lucosky Brookman a winner of the 2016 Corporate Culture Awards.  The Firm is delighted to be recognized for the Firm's ongoing commitment to its attorneys and staff.  The partners of Lucosky Brookman believe that the Firm's devotion and support of its employees internally leads to better results for clients externally, which is always the ultimate goal.

According to SmartCEO, "Lucosky Brookman LLP ... is a true team. On a typical day at the Firm, employees can be found congregating around the “bar” in the office, discussing workloads and thinking through client problems." Smart CEO notes that "over the last three years, Lucosky Brookman has [undertaken] three major charity events — two golf outings and one casino night — that brought in more than $250,000. The firm prides itself on using the strength of its small but mighty team to provide big-firm service [to its clients]."